Infrared Saunas utilize infrared lamps that generate electromagnetic radiation to warm your body directly, unlike a traditional sauna, which heats the air around you. Infrared saunas use infrared panels that easily penetrate human tissue, heating up your body before heating up the air. Manufacturers claim that in an infrared sauna, only about 20 percent of the heat goes to heat the air and the other 80 percent directly heats your body. The heat penetrates more deeply than warmed air. This allows you to experience a more intense sweat at a lower temperature (usually between 120˚F and 140˚F) as opposed to a traditional sauna (usually between 150˚F and 180˚F) . This creates a more tolerable environment, which allows you to stay in the sauna longer while increasing your core body temperature by two to three degrees.
Far infrared heat is a form of radiant energy. The sun is an example of the principal source of infrared radiant energy that we experience on a daily basis. All human bodies absorb, as well as emit, infrared radiant energy. Infrared Sauna heat emitters produce a specific bandwidth of radiant energy that matches the vibrational frequency of the human body. Infrared heat is completely safe and all objects give off and receive infrared heat. In fact, it is so safe, hospitals use similar heaters to warm newborns. Infrared is a part of nature and essential for life.
You can choose your ideal temperature depending on your preference. We will start the sauna at 130°F and you are able to increase or decrease it from that point. The ideal temperature for an infrared sauna is between 110°F to 145°F. Remember, temperature is not important; the fact that you are receiving far infrared heat is.
We recommend not exceeding 50 consecutive minutes in the infrared sauna as it might cause dehydration; however, it varies on each person and their health.
Unlike traditional hot rock based saunas that operate at well in excess of 200°F, infrared heat has the benefit of being effective at a much more comfortable temperature of 100°-150°F. Traditional saunas focus on heating the air as opposed to the body directly. This can make the experience uncomfortably hot and make breathing difficult rather than a pleasant detoxification and relaxation environment. Since infrared heat penetrates human tissue as opposed to simply heating the surface of the skin, infrared saunas are about seven times more effective than traditional saunas at detoxifying the body. By raising the body’s core temperature, infrared saunas can typically generate a sweat composed of 20% toxins vs. only 3% toxins in a traditional sauna.
Individuals who are using prescription drugs should seek the advice of their personal physician before scheduling a sauna session. There can be changes in a drug’s effects when the body is exposed to infrared waves or elevated body temperature.
Our infrared sauna at L.A. Tan, the Detox Youth Sauna, is made from 100% Aspen Wood, which is 99% non toxic and non allergenic.