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Tanning takes place in the skin’s outermost layer, the epidermis, with special cells called melanocytes. When exposed to UV-B light, melanocytes produce the pigment, melanin. The pinkish melanin travels up through the epidermis and is absorbed by other skin cells. When exposed to UV-A light, melanin oxidizes or darkens. This is your skin’s way of protecting itself against too much UV light.
Specifically formulated for indoor use, professional indoor tanning lotions enhance melanin production, as well as help to hydrate and condition the skin. Nourished skin tans better and more quickly. Dry skin naturally reflects light; not allowing UV rays to be absorbed. By using a lotion, you are allowing more UV light to penetrate your skin more quickly, which can develop a more natural looking tan up to 60% faster.
Indoor tanning lotions also add nutrients your body needs to produce melanin. Most accelerators contain vitamins and botanicals that moisturize and increase blood flow, thus increasing oxygenation of melanin cells to help speed up the tanning process.
SPF tanning lotions are not offered in tanning salons because they are designed to prolong UV ray exposure. Tanning with an SPF will allow you to extend your tan to a time that may be unsafe for you. All UV tanning booths have a controlled amount of concentrated UV light with designated maximum times to prevent overexposure.
“Pressure Points” are caused by pressure from the body as it rests on the tanning bed surface. Pressure points may cause white spots on the skin and are often prominent on the shoulder blades and tailbone. While tanning, pressure on these areas inhibits the flow of blood through that area of skin. Since blood carries oxygen, which is essential to the tanning process, this area does not tan. Periodic body shifting during tanning or alternating between a stand up and laydown bed will make these patches disappear.
The most beneficial way to care for your skin is to take your time. For the best tan possible, build your base tan slowly by increasing your tan time gradually. Tanning for too long can lead to overexposure and reddening, which just slows down the process.
Another important way to care for your skin is to moisturize. The tanning process can take up to 24 hours, even after only several minutes in our equipment. During this process, color continues to develop and skin may lose its natural moisture and nutrients. Therefore, the best way to care for your skin during tanning is to keep it nourished and moisturized with the proper tan extender. Consider investing in one of our specially formulated tan extending lotions. They are designed to keep skin soft and healthy and keep your tan looking its best.
It is required that you wear eyewear that protects against 99% of UVA rays and 99.9% of UVB rays. You cannot just close your eyes; your eyelids are too thin to block UV. Eyewear must be certified and approved by the FDA. We offer both temporary and multi-use goggles that meet Federal standards.
Shower, exfoliate, and shave 4 – 6 hours before your spray tan session for longest-lasting results. Be sure skin is clean and dry prior to session—no lotions, oils, makeup, deodorant, or perfume. Wear dark, loose clothing, bathing suit, and loose-fitting shoes or flip flops to salon. Avoid white, tight-fitting clothing. Waxing, facials, manicure, and pedicure should be done prior to spray tan session.
Continue to wear dark, loose clothing for at least 8 hours while tan develops. Wait at least 8 hours before showering, exercise, or any activity that causes excessive perspiration. Results generally last 7-9 days based on skin type, moisturizing habits, and darkness of spray tan. Be sure to ask about our maintenance products to give you the best results and pro-long your spray tan!
No! In the past, self-tanners gave many individuals an unnatural orange glow and caused streaking. Most of these undesirable results were caused by improper or ineffective application techniques. Applying creams and lotions by hand usually results in excessive amounts being absorbed in the skin which can give an orange glow. Unnatural dark spots may also appear in dry or thick skinned areas such as elbows, knees, and knuckles because these areas have a tendency to absorb more of the cream. Hand held spray-on applicators tend to run and cause streaking. The technology used to apply the spray tan solution assures that all areas of the body receive a uniform coating of the solution in the exact quantity required to produce a golden brown tan.
Many people do not wear anything. The room is completely private and if you would like to tan in the nude it is perfectly acceptable. However, if you do wear a bathing suit, underwear, or anything else, please be aware that whatever you wear may be stained. The bronzer we use for your initial color is water-soluble and should wash out of anything you wear, but the DHA applied may cause permanent stains on any clothing you may wear inside the booth.
We recommend that you wait a minimum of 8 hours after tanning to give the DHA enough time to fully set. If you shower earlier, you may diminish the intensity of the tan. When you do shower the initial tan created by the water-soluble bronzer will wash off, but the DHA will remain and create your long term tan.
Many consumers wear disposable shower caps (provided by the salon) to keep the solution from getting in their hair. Other consumers tan without covering their hair. The solution will not penetrate the hair follicles.
All of the components of the spray tan solution have been used in cosmetics and food products for decades and have proven to be safe for use on the skin. If you have had previous allergic reactions to self-tanning lotions or cosmetics you may want to do a “patch test” by putting a small amount of the spray tan solution on a small area of the skin to test for possible reactions.
Some consumers have commented that they noticed a “starchy” smell on their skin after tanning, but it is usually not noticeable to others around them.
Yes, applying a water-based moisturizer prior to tanning helps the skin absorb the spray tan solution. Using a moisturizer frequently will help the tan last longer. You should not apply any moisturizers or lotions to the skin after tanning until the DHA has had time to set, usually 4 to 6 hours. Certain types of moisturizers or lotions applied during this period may cause the streaking of the DHA.
You should not swim or shower for a minimum of 4 hours after spray tanning. Swimming in chlorinated water at any time can bleach the spray tan and possibly cause streaking.
The spray tan does include a blow-dry session so you should be able to put clothes back on immediately after the session. If you pursue any strenuous physical activity after your spray tan session, perspiration may cause some of the bronzer to transfer to your clothing. Since the bronzer is completely water-soluble it will wash out.
Yes. There is nothing in the spray tan solution that would prevent you from tanning in tanning beds or the sun. In fact, a number of customers have found that tanning with UV rays and the spray tan solution actually gives them a better overall tan. If you do plan to use a tanning bed and spray tanning in the same day we recommend that you tan in the tanning bed first. Remember, however, that the spray tan does not give you any protection from UV rays.
Yes. The spray tan booth was designed specifically for individuals who can’t or don’t want to tan conventionally.