L.A. Tan was first established in the early 1990s. Nick Patel, the current owner and CEO of L.A. Tan, has operated this chain since 2001.What started as a four store chain, now has over 130 locations in four different states. All of the L.A. Tan locations are networked through a computer interface that allows L.A. Tan patrons to tan at any L.A. Tan salon nation wide.
L.A. TAN is the fastest growing tanning salon chain in the Midwest region with over 130 salons. L.A TAN’s state of the art tanning salons are managed by highly trained and certified skin care professionals. These professionals provide complete skin care consultation with customized packages, best suited for individual skin type.
All of the L.A. Tan locations are networked through a computer interface that allows L.A. Tan patrons to tan at any L.A. Tan salon nationwide.
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